Powerful Customer Service Agent Tools
Our customer support helpdesk allows you to to directly engage with a customers' account and perform the following actions upon it.
Upgrade to a new package
Downgrade to a lower package
Issue full or partial refunds
Cancel subscriptions
Stop subscriptions
Apply multi-month discounts
Change renewal date
Change customers' email address
View payment history
View email communications
Create support tickets
View subscription history
View customer activity (times, devices, location)
Telesales - take telephone purchases
Manage print delivery holidays
GDPR right to be forgotten
GDPR data export
Change delivery address
Update payment method
Suspend email notifications (Account maintenance)
Customer service agents can directly manage a customers' account directly from the publisher portal.
We also have a fully functioning ticketing solution, this enables customer service agents to log a support ticket, that a customer support supervisor can manage from their own console. Tickets can be updated and ammended.
With the joined up data analytics within the Flip-Pay system, we also track customer service actions on accounts and activities that lead to a saved customer. This is invaluable data for retention.
All actions of customer service agents are logged and a complete audit history can be presented if necessary
The Flip-Pay customer service help-desk empowers your staff to deal with any support issue with an easy to use tool that requires minimal training.
Contact us below to talk to one of our customer service solution experts